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What is a Enhanced CPL/CPA Ad Campaign and how does it work?

Enhanced CPL/CPA Ad Campaign (aka Premium Hybrid) is only available for more IT savvy advertisers as it requires advertiser's system to capture some data from us and pass them back to us for conversion tracking purposes.

Enhanced CPL/CPA Ad Campaign uses a target Cost-Per-Action (CPA) bid price to compete for exposure and click-through on the marketplace. At the same time, a correlated dynamic Respective Cost-Per-Click (rCPC) rate is computed by the system and assigned to the ad whenever someone clicks on the ad to visit the landing page, so that the ad will have some transaction data for optimization purposes, even though there is no lead conversion data at the beginning. Therefore, improves the campaign performance quickly.

The billing for the campaign will be based on [# of conversions x CPA] by default, only fallback to charge on [Sum of rCPC] if it is higher. If there is no click on the Ad to visit your landing page, there will be no charge at all.

How is it different from the normal CPL/CPA model?

Traditional CPL/CPA model were not helping advertisers to gain much click-through that lead to conversions for their product on the marketplace, which is the primary objective. Often time, the products didn't get much exposures and click-through because the lack of transaction data, and worse if real time conversion tracking is not available, causing the ad didn't have much data for the marketplace algorithm to optimize its performance.

How does Enhanced CPL/CPA Ad Campaign works better than traditional CPL/CPA model on the marketplace?

When there is no conversion after users clicking the ad, the traditional CPA ad does not have transaction data and the ad ranking will continue to drop, causing the ad not being seen by users. Whereas for the Enhanced CPL/CPA campaign, each click contributes transaction value so enable the marketplace algorithm to use the data for optimization, helping the ad stay competitive on the marketplace. Once a conversion happens, it further feeds the algorithm with conversion data.

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